A textbook weighs 2.5 pounds.How many kilograms does the textbook weigh? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a pound. 1kg =2.2 lb


2.2 lbs = 1 kg

1 lb = (1/2.2) kg
2.5 lbs = 2.5(1/2.2) or appr 1.14 kg

To convert the weight of the textbook from pounds to kilograms, we can use the conversion factor of 1 kilogram equal to 2.2 pounds.

First, divide the weight of the textbook in pounds by the conversion factor:
2.5 pounds / 2.2 pounds/kg = 1.1363636363636363 kg

Round the answer to the nearest tenth:
1.1 kg

Therefore, the textbook weighs approximately 1.1 kilograms.

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor that states 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.

First, divide the weight of the textbook in pounds by the conversion factor:

2.5 pounds / 2.2 (pounds/kilogram) = 1.136 kilograms (approximately)

Rounding to the nearest tenth of a pound, the textbook weighs approximately 1.1 kilograms.

2.5 lb * ( 1 kg/2.2 lb) = 1.1 kg