Here is what I got to do : write an inequality for my classmates to solve. In my inequality, use both the multiplication and addition properties of inequalities; before I summit this to class I want to know if I did it right: 5(x + 8) -6 > 4(x + 6);

5x + 40 - 6 > 4x + 24; 5x + 44 - 44 > 4x + 24 - 44; 5x - 4x > 4x - 4x -20; 1x/1 < -20/1; x<-20, is this right?

5(x + 8) -6 > 4(x + 6);

5x + 40 - 6 > 4x + 24;
5x + 44 - 44 > 4x + 24 - 44;
5x - 4x > 4x - 4x -20;

1x/1 < -20/1; Where in the world did you get this step? You did not divide by a negative.

I got 5x-4x> 4x - 4x-20; 1x< -20; you have to get x by itself so you divide both side by 1; 1x/1 < -20/1; x< -20 that is how I got x<-20

I agree with your 5x-4x> 4x - 4x-20;

that simplifies to x>-20
From there, your work makes no sense, and is in fact wrong. Dividing by 1 does not reverse the inequality sign

To check if you solved the inequality correctly, let's go through the steps together:

Starting with the inequality you provided: 5(x + 8) - 6 > 4(x + 6)

1. First, distribute the multiplication on both sides of the inequality:
5x + 40 - 6 > 4x + 24

2. Next, simplify both sides of the inequality by combining like terms:
5x + 34 > 4x + 24

3. Now, isolate the variable terms by subtracting 4x from both sides of the inequality:
5x - 4x + 34 > 4x - 4x + 24
x + 34 > 24

4. To isolate the variable, subtract 34 from both sides of the inequality:
x + 34 - 34 > 24 - 34
x > -10

Therefore, the correct inequality is x > -10, not x < -20 as you mentioned. Keep in mind that whenever you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign gets flipped. In this case, since we didn't multiply or divide by a negative number, the inequality sign remains the same.

So, to state the final answer correctly, the inequality is x > -10.