Which result of the Industrial Revolution inspired the basic ideas of socialism?

the existence of widespread poverty and famine in rural areas

the rise of European imperialism in Africa and Asia

factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions

the loss of land and income that resulted from the enclosure process

Help plss!!!!

btw I think it's C.

I think you're right.

The correct answer is C. The result of the Industrial Revolution that inspired the basic ideas of socialism was the factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions.

To arrive at this answer, one needs to understand the concept of socialism and the major factors that led to its development during the Industrial Revolution.

Socialism is an economic and political ideology that advocates for the collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution. It arose as a response to the negative consequences of industrial capitalism, which emerged during the Industrial Revolution.

During this period, factories were established, and workers left their rural homes to work in urban areas. However, the working conditions in factories were often harsh and dangerous, with long working hours, low wages, and lack of workplace safety regulations. Workers had few rights and were subjected to exploitation by factory owners.

These poor working conditions and the lack of rights experienced by factory workers led to the development of socialist ideas. Socialists argued that the means of production should be owned and managed collectively by workers or the state, aiming to address the inequalities and exploitation created by the capitalist system.

Therefore, it was the factory workers' lack of rights and poor working conditions that inspired the basic ideas of socialism during the Industrial Revolution. Option C correctly identifies this key factor.