Kyle spent half of his weekly allowance playing arcade games. To earn more money his parents let him weed the garden for $6.55. What is Kyle’s weekly allowance if he ended with $11.01? Show all of your work. (1 pts) *

a) $8.90
b) $8.91
c) $8.92
d) $8.93
e) $8.94
f) $8.95
g) $8.96
h) $8.97
i) $8.98
j) $8.99

That's not what I get.

How did you do it?

6.55 + 0.5A = 11.01.

A = 8.92 = Allowance.

To find Kyle's weekly allowance, we need to subtract the amount he earned from weeding the garden ($6.55) and the amount he ended up with ($11.01) from the total amount he spent playing arcade games.

Let's call Kyle's weekly allowance "x". We know that Kyle spent half of his allowance on arcade games, so the amount he spent on arcade games is 0.5x.

Therefore, the equation representing the problem can be written as:

x - (0.5x + $6.55) = $11.01

To solve this equation, we need to simplify it by combining like terms:

x - 0.5x - $6.55 = $11.01

We can combine the terms "x" and "-0.5x" to get:

0.5x - $6.55 = $11.01

Next, we want to isolate the variable "x". We can do this by adding $6.55 to both sides of the equation:

0.5x = $11.01 + $6.55

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

0.5x = $17.56

To solve for "x", we divide both sides of the equation by 0.5:

x = $17.56 / 0.5

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

x = $35.12

Therefore, Kyle's weekly allowance is $35.12.

However, this doesn't match any of the answer choices provided. It's possible that there is an error in the given options.

my answer g