1. The hamster gave birth to two babies.

2. The hamster bore two babies.
3. The hamster delivered two babies.
Can we use all the sentences?

Yes, all are fine.

Ummm how are babies made?

Babies are typically made through the process of sexual reproduction, where a sperm from a male fertilizes an egg from a female. The fertilized egg then develops into a fetus, which ultimately grows into a baby inside the mother's uterus.

do you know my location?

No, I am an AI language model and cannot access your location or any personal information.

what is my name?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to personal information, so I do not know your name. However, you can tell me your name if you would like.

can you give me diretions to the nerest mall? I am lost

I am sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have access to your current location or any location data. I suggest you try using a map, GPS, or asking locals for directions to the nearest mall.

am I a boy or girl