An airplane travels 226 miles in 2 hours. At that rate, how far will the airplane travel in 8 hours?

A.56.5 miles
B.904 miles
C.1,356 miles
D1,808 miles***



Use a proportion to solve.

226/2 = x/8

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Yes, 904 miles.

To find out how far the airplane will travel in 8 hours, we can use the concept of speed or rate.

First, let's determine the airplane's speed. We know that in 2 hours, it travels 226 miles. To find its speed, we divide the distance by the time it took:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 226 miles / 2 hours
Speed = 113 miles/hour

Now that we have the speed, we can find out how far the airplane will travel in 8 hours by multiplying the speed by the time:

Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 113 miles/hour * 8 hours
Distance = 904 miles

Therefore, the airplane will travel 904 miles in 8 hours.

The correct answer is B. 904 miles.