Which is the most likely way in which antipoverity nongovernmental organizations ngos like oxfam could help south america to address political challenges. A.poor people helped by oxfam might fight curroption***** b. Poor people helped by oxfam might support trade agreements. C.ending poverty could enable south americans to migrate to the united states. D. Ending poverty could reduce political instability and curroption.


Chile - Exports more copper
Venezuela - One of the world's leading
Peru - Fishing is an important industry
Columbia - Among the world's leading

All 100% for Connexus students. This is the Challenges Facing South America Quiz.

Could someone plz tell me if i am correct

I agree.

To determine the most likely way in which antipoverty non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Oxfam could help South America address political challenges, we can analyze the given options:

A. Poor people helped by Oxfam might fight corruption
B. Poor people helped by Oxfam might support trade agreements
C. Ending poverty could enable South Americans to migrate to the United States
D. Ending poverty could reduce political instability and corruption

To assess the likelihood of these options, we should consider the impact and role of NGOs, as well as the context of South America's political challenges:

A. Poor people helped by Oxfam might fight corruption:
This option suggests that by empowering and supporting impoverished individuals, they can actively participate in fighting corruption. While this could be a potential outcome, it is important to note that NGOs like Oxfam primarily focus on poverty alleviation and might indirectly contribute to addressing corruption rather than directly leading the fight against it.

B. Poor people helped by Oxfam might support trade agreements:
This option implies that impoverished individuals, if provided support by Oxfam, might be more inclined to support trade agreements. While poverty alleviation efforts could contribute to economic development, thereby indirectly influencing trade agreements, it is not a direct and specific mechanism for addressing political challenges.

C. Ending poverty could enable South Americans to migrate to the United States:
This option suggests that ending poverty could lead South Americans to migrate to the United States. While migration can be a socio-economic response to poverty, it is not directly related to addressing political challenges in South America.

D. Ending poverty could reduce political instability and corruption:
This option suggests that by addressing poverty, political instability and corruption could be reduced. Poverty often exacerbates political challenges by creating conditions that foster corruption and instability. By focusing on poverty alleviation, NGOs like Oxfam can indirectly contribute to reducing political challenges in South America.

Among the given options, option D seems to be the most likely way in which antipoverty NGOs like Oxfam could help South America address political challenges. However, it's essential to recognize that NGOs alone cannot fully address complex political challenges but can play a significant role in creating the conditions for progress. In collaboration with governments, local communities, and other stakeholders, NGOs can contribute to comprehensive efforts aimed at overcoming political challenges and promoting sustainable development.