Can you check me answers

6 eggs in 7 days=8222
122 patients in 4 weeks=305
$8.43 for 3 pounds =281
25 letters in 4 days=.625
2 pay raises in 3 years=.66 repeated
15 pounds in 6 weeks=25
8 glasses every 24 hours=.33

I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with these numbers.

6 eggs in 7 days=8222
Are you supposed to find the number of eggs per day?
6/7 = 0.857 eggs per day. (What is a fraction of an egg?)

122 patients in 4 weeks=305
122 divided by 4 = 30.5 patients per week
(Again, I have trouble with a half a patient.)

Am I on the right track?

Sure! Let's go through each question and calculate the answers together:

1. 6 eggs in 7 days = 8222
To find out how many eggs are consumed in a certain number of days, we divide the number of eggs by the number of days. In this case, we divide 6 by 7. So the answer is 6/7, which is approximately 0.857.

Answer: 6 eggs in 7 days is approximately 0.857.

2. 122 patients in 4 weeks = 305
To find out the average number of patients per week, we divide the total number of patients by the number of weeks. In this case, we divide 122 by 4. So the answer is 122/4, which is 30.5.

Answer: The average number of patients per week is 30.5.

3. $8.43 for 3 pounds = 281
To find out the price per pound, we divide the total cost by the number of pounds. In this case, we divide $8.43 by 3. So the answer is 8.43/3, which is approximately 2.81.

Answer: The price per pound is approximately $2.81.

4. 25 letters in 4 days = 0.625
To find out how many letters are sent per day, we divide the total number of letters by the number of days. In this case, we divide 25 by 4. So the answer is 25/4, which is 6.25.

Answer: 25 letters in 4 days is approximately 6.25 letters per day.

5. 2 pay raises in 3 years = 0.66 repeated
To find out the average number of pay raises per year, we divide the total number of pay raises by the number of years. In this case, we divide 2 by 3. So the answer is 2/3, which is approximately 0.67.

Answer: There are approximately 0.67 pay raises per year.

6. 15 pounds in 6 weeks = 25
To find out the weight lost per week, we divide the total weight lost by the number of weeks. In this case, we divide 15 by 6. So the answer is 15/6, which is 2.5.

Answer: 15 pounds in 6 weeks is approximately 2.5 pounds per week.

7. 8 glasses every 24 hours = 0.33
To find out how many glasses are consumed per hour, we divide the total number of glasses by the number of hours. In this case, we divide 8 by 24. So the answer is 8/24, which is approximately 0.33.

Answer: 8 glasses every 24 hours is approximately 0.33 glass per hour.

Please note that some of your answers may be rounded to the nearest hundredth or whole number, depending on the level of precision required.