A movement called_________________

questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights. Many people in the Spanish empire did not enjoy these rights. As a result, people in Middle America sought ______________

words:the Agricultural Revolution
the Enlightenment
the Mexican Revolution

I think the first one is the Mexican revolution and the second one is independance

1. no

2. yes


A movement called "the Enlightenment" questioned the rule of kings and proposed that people had basic rights. This intellectual and philosophical movement, which emerged in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. The ideas of the Enlightenment spread throughout Europe and its colonies, including the Spanish empire.

During this time, many people in the Spanish empire, including those in Middle America (Latin America), did not enjoy these rights. They experienced subjugation under Spanish colonial rule, with limited freedoms and opportunities. As a result, people in Middle America sought "Independence."

Independence refers to the desire for self-governance and freedom from external control. Inspired by the Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty, people in Middle America sought to overthrow colonial rule and establish their own independent nations. This movement for independence eventually led to the Mexican Revolution, a series of armed conflicts and uprisings that took place from 1810 to 1821 in Mexico.

The Mexican Revolution was a major socio-political movement that aimed to challenge the oppressive rule of the Spanish colonial regime. It sought to establish a democratic system that would grant basic rights and political representation to the people of Mexico. The revolution resulted in the overthrow of Spanish colonial rule and the establishment of an independent Mexico.

Moreover, the ideals of the Enlightenment also influenced the concept of democracy. Democracy refers to a system of government in which power resides with the people, who exercise it directly or through elected representatives. Through the Mexican Revolution and subsequent political developments, the aspiration for democracy emerged as a central principle for the newly independent nations in Middle America.

Additionally, the concept of nationalization is related to the post-revolutionary period. Nationalization refers to the government taking control of private assets, resources, or industries for the benefit of the nation as a whole. Many newly independent countries in Middle America embraced nationalization as a means to achieve economic self-sufficiency and promote social welfare.

To summarize, the Enlightenment influenced the desire for independence in Middle America, leading to the Mexican Revolution. The revolution aimed to establish democracy and grant basic rights to the people. Additionally, the concept of nationalization became prominent in the post-revolutionary period as countries sought economic autonomy and social progress.