How does the author portray the issue in the work The Necklace?

Just need a good website to help me.
I am terrible at trying to find good websites.

What issue?

Have you read this story?

Yes ma'am I have.

But they want me to write a 5 to 6 page essay on a "SHORT STORY" that is not short in my opinion. But I cant find a good website to help me on the issue that they have in the story. And the issue is really hard to explain.

In the "SHORT STORY" the main character has a necklace her friend lent her. She lost the necklace and 10 years later found out it was fake when she bought a new one that was real diamonds.

For me, the biggest issue in this story is honesty. Look at how the main character suffered because she wasn't honest.

That does help me somewhat. Thank you Ms. Sue.

You're welcome.

To understand how the author portrays the issue in the work "The Necklace," a good starting point would be to read the story itself. "The Necklace" is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant, which was first published in 1884. The story can be found in many literature anthologies or online on various websites.

If you prefer to analyze and understand the story in more detail, you may want to look for literary analysis articles or essays on "The Necklace." These resources often provide insightful interpretations and discussions of the story's themes, characters, and symbolism.

To find reliable websites for literary analysis, it's best to use reputable sources. Here are a few suggested websites:

1. SparkNotes ( SparkNotes provides comprehensive study guides for various literary works, including "The Necklace." Their guides include summaries, character analysis, themes, and other helpful resources.

2. Shmoop ( Shmoop is an educational website that offers study guides and resources on a wide range of subjects, including literature. Their guide on "The Necklace" includes an analysis of the story's themes, characters, and literary devices.

3. Gradesaver ( Gradesaver offers study guides, essay editing services, and helpful resources for literature analysis. Their guide for "The Necklace" includes a summary, analysis, and questions for further discussion.

Remember, it's always important to critically evaluate the information you find online. Consider the credibility of the source, check if the website is reputable, and cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the issue in "The Necklace."