Some dairy farmers want to increase the amount of milk produced by their cows. How can the farmers use selective breeding to increase milk production?

By limiting the number of offspring per cow

By allowing the cows to select their mates

By breeding cows that are high milk producers

By increasing the age of the cows that are bred

Organisms with desirable traits can be produced through selective breeding and natural selection. Decide whether the examples on the right are examples of traits produced through selective breeding or natural selection.
Selective Breeding

Natural Selection

What is one difference between natural selection and selective breeding?

With natural selection, the genetic makeup of an organism is different than it's parents. With selective breeding the genetic makeup is identical to its' parent.

Once a trait helps a species survive, the time it takes for that trait to become apart of the population is much faster with natural selection.

Traits developed through natural selection are influenced by pressures from the environment. Organisms that are produced through selective breeding have traits selected by humans that may or may not be related to environmental pressures.

Natural selection can only occur when organisms are chosen and produce offspring. Selective breeding allows organisms to select a mate who is the best adapted to its' environment.

Selective breeding is an effective way to produce organisms that have desirable traits. After several generations of selective breeding, an organism can be produced consistently with certain traits. The disadvantage to the offspring can be

they may be unable to reproduce.

offspring from one organism that is selectively bred cannot breed with another organism.

they are not as genetically diverse as organisms who were not selectively bred.

they produce less offspring.

Help Please!!!!!

Selective Pressures

Selective pressures are factors in the environment that affect an organism's ability to survive and reproduce. These pressures can include predators, food availability, temperature, climate, and the presence of disease. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment and can withstand these pressures are more likely to survive and pass their traits onto their offspring, eventually leading to evolution of the species. Selective pressures can be natural, such as those found in the wild, or artificial, such as those found in selective breeding.


A genome is an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for building proteins, which are the building blocks of life. The genome is unique to each organism, and it determines the traits and characteristics of that organism, such as eye color, height, and susceptibility to certain diseases. The study of genomes is called genomics, and it is an important field of research that has led to discoveries about the function of genes, the causes of diseases, and the evolution of species. Advances in genomics have also led to the development of new technologies such as genome editing, which has the potential to cure genetic diseases and improve crop yields.


Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism, which includes all of its inherited genes. It represents the genetic information encoded in the DNA molecules of an individual, which consists of two copies called alleles, one inherited from each parent. The genotype determines the traits that an organism can exhibit, but the expression of these traits can also be influenced by environmental factors. The study of genotype is an important area of genetics and is used to understand how traits are inherited and passed on from generation to generation. By analyzing the genotype, scientists can also better understand the causes and risk factors for various genetic diseases.

how do i tame a wolf in minecraft

To tame a wolf in Minecraft, follow these steps:

1. Find a wild wolf: Wolves can be found roaming in forests, taigas, and some other biomes. They usually spawn in groups of 1-8.

2. Feed the wolf: Once you have located a wolf, give it a bone by right-clicking on it while holding the bone. The wolf may take several bones before becoming tame.

3. Wait for hearts: After feeding the wolf, hearts will appear around it indicating that it has been tamed.

4. Put on a collar: Once the wolf has been tamed, you can right-click it to put on a collar. You can use dye on the collar to change its color.

5. Enjoy your new companion: Your newly tamed wolf will follow you around and protect you from hostile mobs.


Phenotype refers to an organism's observable traits or characteristics, which are the result of the interaction between its genotype and the environment. These traits can include physical features such as eye color, height, and hair texture, as well as behavioral traits such as personality and intelligence. The phenotype is influenced not only by the genetic makeup of an organism, but also by the effects of environmental factors such as diet, climate, and exposure to toxins. The study of phenotype is important in many fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and ecology, as it helps to understand how traits are expressed and how they can change over time.