What are some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that cause the need for a new and stronger federal government that the framers outlined in the Constitution? (Select all that apply)

A-*how to resolve disputes between states over land*
B-differences in opinion on how to establish a federal education system
C-*confusion over different state currency*
D-how to set up reserved land for native american

I think its A and C but and not sure HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!


To determine the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that led to the need for a stronger federal government, let's analyze each option:

A - How to resolve disputes between states over land: This was indeed a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, there was no clear mechanism or authority to resolve disputes between states over territorial claims. This lack of a strong federal authority often led to conflicts and uncertainty.

B - Differences in opinion on how to establish a federal education system: This option does not directly relate to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The issue of education system establishment was not specifically addressed in the Articles, and it was not a significant cause for the need for a stronger federal government.

C - Confusion over different state currencies: Yes, this was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Each state had the authority to issue its own currency, leading to confusion and instability in commerce and trade between states. This lack of a unified currency system highlighted the need for a centralized national authority.

D - How to set up reserved land for Native Americans: While the treatment of Native Americans was an important issue during the framing of the Constitution, it was not directly related to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The inability to establish reserved land for Native Americans was not a primary factor motivating the framers to outline a new and stronger federal government.

Based on the analysis, you correctly identified the weaknesses A (how to resolve disputes between states over land) and C (confusion over different state currency) as the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that called for a stronger federal government. Your answer is correct.