My question simply has to do with how to go about solving this:

Jay has written 24 songs to date. He writes an average of 24 songs to date. He writes an average of 6 songs per year. Jenna started writing songs this year and expects to write about 6 songs per year. How many years from now will Jenna have written as many song as Jay? Write and graph a system of equations to find your answer.

If someone would be willing to help me it would be greatly appreciated :)

This makes no sense:

<<Jay has written 24 songs to date. He writes an average of 24 songs to date. He writes an average of 6 songs per year.>>
If you can explain what that means, someone can probably help.

Did you read the text of your post? It makes no sense

Since both Jenna and Jay both write 6 songs per year, and right now Jay has more songs,
she will never catch up.

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations based on the information given and then solve it.

Let's define the number of years from now as 'x'.

According to the information given:
- Jay has already written 24 songs.
- Jay writes an average of 6 songs per year.
- Thus, after 'x' years, Jay will have written 24 + 6x songs.

On the other hand:
- Jenna started writing songs this year.
- Jenna expects to write about 6 songs per year.
- After 'x' years, Jenna will have written 6x songs.

To find the number of years from now when Jenna will have written as many songs as Jay, we need to set up an equation to equate their number of songs:
24 + 6x = 6x

Solving this equation for 'x', we get:
24 = 0

This equation is not possible because it leads to an inconsistency. It means that Jenna will never catch up to Jay in terms of the number of songs written.

The graph of this system of equations will show two parallel lines, indicating that Jenna's number of songs will always be less than Jay's.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.