What was an obstacle to reducing epidemic diseases in cities?

overcrowded neighborhoods

food shortages

dangerous factory conditions****

the germ theory of disease

If a meatpacking company wanted to practice vertical integration, what would it most likely buy?
shoe stores

gas stations

lumber mills

cattle ranches*****

What technological innovations helped Europeans take over most of Africa?
automobiles and airplanes

spinning jennies and power looms

steamships, telegraphs, and weapons****or

telephones, light bulbs, and electricity****

Most likely, 1. is B.

I think 1. is A or B, 2. is D, 3. is C.

The first is wrong; the second is right.

The third???

3 is c 2 is d

so what is the answer to 1?

To find the answer to the first question, "What was an obstacle to reducing epidemic diseases in cities?", we can analyze the options provided:

A. Overcrowded neighborhoods: Overcrowding in neighborhoods can contribute to the spread of diseases, as it increases the chances of person-to-person contact.

B. Food shortages: While food shortages can have detrimental effects on public health, they may not specifically hinder efforts to reduce epidemic diseases in cities.

C. Dangerous factory conditions: Dangerous factory conditions can pose risks to the health and well-being of workers, but they may not directly relate to reducing epidemic diseases in cities.

D. The germ theory of disease: The germ theory of disease is a scientific understanding that microorganisms (germs) can cause infectious diseases. While it might have contributed to our knowledge, it is not an obstacle to reducing epidemic diseases in cities.

From the options provided, option C stands out as the most relevant obstacle to reducing epidemic diseases in cities. Dangerous factory conditions can create environments that contribute to the spread of diseases, which can impact both the factory workers and the surrounding population.

Moving on to the second question, "If a meatpacking company wanted to practice vertical integration, what would it most likely buy?", we have the following options:

A. Shoe stores: This option does not have a direct alignment with the meatpacking industry.

B. Gas stations: Gas stations are also not directly related to the meatpacking industry.

C. Lumber mills: Lumber mills are not directly related to the meatpacking industry.

D. Cattle ranches: This option seems the most appropriate for a meatpacking company looking to practice vertical integration. By acquiring cattle ranches, the company can control the supply chain more directly and have control over the entire process from raising the cattle to processing the meat.

For the last question, "What technological innovations helped Europeans take over most of Africa?", let's examine the given options:

A. Automobiles and airplanes: While automobiles and airplanes played a significant role in transportation, they might have had limited impact on European colonization in Africa.

B. Spinning jennies and power looms: These innovations were mainly related to the Industrial Revolution and the textile industry, rather than colonization in Africa.

C. Steamships, telegraphs, and weapons: This option seems the most logical. Steamships revolutionized transportation, telegraphs improved communication, and weapons provided a military advantage, all of which aided European colonization efforts in Africa.

D. Telephones, light bulbs, and electricity: While these inventions were important advancements, they might not have had a direct impact on European colonization in Africa.

From the options given, option C aligns most closely with the advancements that helped Europeans take over most of Africa. Steamships enabled faster and more efficient travel, telegraphs improved communication, and superior weaponry allowed for military dominance.

1 is d