What development helped speed up manufacturing of products such as automobiles?

A. the growth of labor unions

B. the telegraph

C. the assembly line

D. the Bessemer process



I will help after im done which doesnt take long okay?

AND sorry for my poor english... :)


are you done?

c. the assembly line

You shouldn't be cheating but if you do, you should be nice to people who are just trying to help

The correct answer is C. the assembly line.

The assembly line is a method of manufacturing in which a product is divided into simple, repetitive tasks and each task is assigned to a specific worker or machine. The product then moves along a conveyor belt, with each worker or machine performing their specific task. This system allows for efficient and rapid production.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and D by considering their relevance to the question.

A. The growth of labor unions refers to the collective rights and power of workers to negotiate with employers for improved working conditions, wages, and benefits. While labor unions may have influenced manufacturing processes in other ways, they did not directly speed up the manufacturing of products like automobiles.

B. The telegraph is a communication device that transmits messages over long distances through electric signals. While the telegraph played a critical role in revolutionizing communication and information exchange, it did not have a direct impact on the assembly process or the speed of manufacturing automobiles.

D. The Bessemer process was a method of producing steel by blowing air through molten iron to remove impurities. While the Bessemer process revolutionized steel production and made it more cost-effective, it was not directly related to the manufacturing speed of automobiles.

By analyzing the remaining option, C. the assembly line, we can see that it directly addresses the question. The assembly line revolutionized the manufacturing process, allowing for significant time savings and increased productivity. Therefore, the development that helped speed up manufacturing of products such as automobiles was the implementation of the assembly line.