Mrs.Miller is selling a house for $179,000. If she earns a commission of 6%, how much money does she earn? Please write a proportion.

179,000/x = 100/6

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how much money Mrs. Miller earns as a commission, we can set up a proportion.

Let's use the following proportion:

Commission / Sale Price = Commission Rate / 100%

We know that Mrs. Miller is earning a commission of 6% and the sale price is $179,000.

Plugging the values into the proportion, we get:

Commission / $179,000 = 6% / 100%

To find the commission, we need to solve for the "Commission" part of the proportion.

First, let's convert the commission percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

6% / 100 = 0.06

Now we can rewrite the proportion:

Commission / $179,000 = 0.06

To solve for the commission amount, we can multiply both sides of the proportion by the sale price, $179,000:

Commission = $179,000 * 0.06

Calculating the value, we have:

Commission = $10,740

Therefore, Mrs. Miller earns a commission of $10,740.