21. Conjugate the verb preferir, and what takes place in this conjugation that makes this verb a stem-changing verb ?

22. Conjugate the verb ser. Describe two circumstances in which you would use the verb ser

25. Answer the following sentnce in spanish. ( Que haces para mantener la salud )

Comida y salud: Comida y salud Unit Test (unit 7, lessnon 6)

November 9th, 2022

1.Which of the following would most likely go in una ensalada de frutas?
C: Las uvas

2. What is the correct way to say "I want chicken." in Spanish?
A: Quiero pollo.

3. Which of the following is least likely to be served as a main course during la cena?
D: El helado

4. If your friend said "Tengo sed." to you, which of the following would be the best option to offer them?
B: Una bedida

5. Which of the following would be the best to drink while running a marathon?
D: Agua

6. What is the best response to the following question?
A: Soy de los Estados Unidos

7. How do you say "Today is Monday." in Spanish?
C: Hoy es lunes.

8. What is the correct way to say "It is [made] of fruit." in Spanish?
D: Es de frutas.

9. Which verb would you use to explain that the movie is being shown in the theatre?
B: Estar

10. What is the correct plural form of "una bedida popular"?
D: Unas bedidas populares

11. What is the name for Peruvian Chinese food?
B: Chifa

12. Which chef is known for applying modern techniques to indigenous Peruvian ingredients?
A: Virgilio Martinez Veliz

13. Which empire was the largest in both Americas before the arrival of the Europeans?
A: Inca

14. Which herbal remedy would most likely be used to treat a sunburn?
C: Aloe vera

15. Which city's marathon is knows as "Mapoma"?
C: Madrid

16. What is the most common condiment or spice at un asado?
D: Salt

17. What is the best response to the following question?
Ustedes hacen mucho ejercicio?
D: Si, nosotros hacemos mucho ejercicio.

18. How would you ask a friend "Do you agree?" in Spanish?
B: Estas de acuerdo?

19. Which of the following is the correct plural for "carne sabrosa"?
D: Carnes sabrosas

20. Which spanish verb would you use to ask the following question?
"What is your name?"
B: Ser

1. Conjugate the verb prefirer in all forms in the Present Tense.
2. What takes place in the conjugation that makes this verb a stem-changing verb?
Answer: Stem-changing verbs in the present tense have the same verb endings as regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs when conjugated, but go through a vowel change in the last syllable of the stem. All the forms of prefirer have the -er verb ending and the last syllable is different for each one. For example: Pref-er-ir, Pref-er-is, Pref-er-e

1. Conjugate the verb ser in all forms in the Present Tense.
2. Describe two circumstances in which you would use the verb ser. Write your answer in English.
Answer: The verb ser in all forms is as follows:
"Ser" is generally used to refer to something that is permanent. Yo so alto. Ella es linda.

23. What is the difference between a barbeque from the United States and an asado from Spanish-speaking countries?
Answer: The difference between a barbeque from the U.S. and as asado from Spanish-speaking countries is that with asado, the meat is cooked for 4+ hours only on a gas stove. While in the U.S., we typically grill our meat over a charcoal grill.

24. Choose a physical activity that is popular in the Spanish-speaking world. Why would you like to participate in this activity? Respond in at least two Spanish sentences.
Answer: Me gusta jugar futbol. So ve diveritdo y mi hermano lo juega.

25. Answer the following question in Spanish. Que haces para mantener la salud?
Answer: Me correr u como sano.

21. The verb preferir is conjugated as follows:

- Yo prefiero (I prefer)
- Tú prefieres (You prefer)
- Él/Ella/Usted prefiere (He/She/You(formal) prefer)
- Nosotros/Nosotras preferimos (We prefer)
- Vosotros/Vosotras preferís (You all prefer)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes prefieren (They/You all prefer)

The stem-changing that takes place in the verb preferir occurs in the present tense for all pronouns except nosotros and vosotros. The vowel e in the stem changes to ie, except in the nosotros form where it changes to i.

22. The verb ser is conjugated as follows:

- Yo soy (I am)
- Tú eres (You are)
- Él/Ella/Usted es (He/She/You(formal) are)
- Nosotros/Nosotras somos (We are)
- Vosotros/Vosotras sois (You all are)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son (They/You all are)

Two circumstances in which you would use the verb ser are:
- To express permanent or inherent qualities, such as physical appearance, nationality, or professions. For example, "Ella es alta" (She is tall), "Soy estadounidense" (I am American), "Somos médicos" (We are doctors).
- To indicate origin or possession. For example, "El libro es de Juan" (The book is Juan's), "La casa es de mi familia" (The house is my family's).

25. The sentence "¿Qué haces para mantener la salud?" translates to "What do you do to maintain your health?" in English.

21. To conjugate the verb "preferir" in its present tense form, we first need to identify its stem, which is "prefer". Then we replace the last two letters of the stem with the appropriate endings based on the subject pronoun. Here is the conjugation of "preferir" in the present tense:

- Yo prefiero (I prefer)
- Tú prefieres (You prefer)
- Él/Ella/Usted prefiere (He/She/You prefer)
- Nosotros preferimos (We prefer)
- Vosotros preferís (You all prefer)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes prefieren (They/You all prefer)

"Preferir" is a stem-changing verb because in some forms, specifically in the third-person singular and plural forms (él, ella, usted, ellos, ellas, ustedes), the e in the stem changes to an ie. This is a common pattern in Spanish verbs, where the stem vowel changes to ie, e:i, or o:ue in certain conjugations.

22. To conjugate the verb "ser" (to be) in its present tense form, we use the following conjugations:

- Yo soy (I am)
- Tú eres (You are)
- Él/Ella/Usted es (He/She/You are)
- Nosotros somos (We are)
- Vosotros sois (You all are)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son (They/You all are)

The verb "ser" is very versatile and has many uses in Spanish. Here are two circumstances in which you would use the verb "ser":

1. Nationality/Origin: When expressing someone's nationality or place of origin, we use "ser". For example:
- Soy mexicano/a. (I am Mexican.)
- Él es de España. (He is from Spain.)

2. Descriptions/Characteristics: To describe someone's physical appearance, personality, or any general characteristic, we use "ser". For example:
- Ella es alta. (She is tall.)
- Tú eres inteligente. (You are intelligent.)

25. The question "What do you do to maintain your health?" translates to "¿Qué haces para mantener la salud?" in Spanish.

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