
ah, yes. one of my favorite functions.

F(x) = 900 + 0.02(x - 10,000) + 500.

F(x) = 900 + 0.02x - 200 + 500,
F(x) = 0.02x + 1200.

To find F(x), you can substitute the value of x into the equation and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) to simplify and calculate the result.

Let's break down the equation: F(x) = 900 + 0.02(x_10000) + 500.

Step 1: To calculate the value of F(x), start with the first term: 900.

Step 2: The second term is 0.02(x_10000). To determine its value, multiply 0.02 by the value of (x_10000).

For example, if x equals 5, then the value of this term becomes 0.02(5_10000). Calculating this: 0.02 * 5000 equals 100.

Step 3: The sum of the first and second term is 900 + 100 = 1000.

Step 4: Finally, add the third term: 500. Therefore, the value of F(x) is 1000 + 500 = 1500.

In summary, to evaluate the function F(x) = 900 + 0.02(x_10000) + 500, substitute the value of x into the equation, perform any multiplications or divisions first, and then add or subtract as needed to calculate the final result.