The concept of multiculturalism encourages Canadians to __________.

1.embrace English traditions above French ones
2.maintain their family traditions while also sharing a Canadian identity
3.speak only French in the most populated cities
4.focus on their own ethnic backgrounds

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The concept of multiculturalism encourages Canadians to maintain their family traditions while also sharing a Canadian identity (option 2).

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concept of multiculturalism and its principles in Canada. Multiculturalism in Canada is a set of values and policies that aim to encourage and promote the coexistence of diverse cultures within Canadian society. The Canadian government recognizes and celebrates the contribution of all cultural groups, including those of indigenous peoples, immigrants, and ethnic minorities.

Multiculturalism emphasizes the preservation and expression of one's own cultural heritage, while also promoting active participation in the broader Canadian society. It encourages individuals to maintain their family traditions, language, customs, and cultural practices. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of fostering connections and interactions with other cultural groups, learning about other traditions, and participating in the broader Canadian identity.

This approach recognizes that all individuals bring their unique experiences and backgrounds to the Canadian society, and it aims to create a sense of belonging and inclusion for everyone. It is not about prioritizing one culture above others or focusing solely on individual ethnic backgrounds (options 1 and 4). Additionally, it does not promote the idea of speaking only French in the most populated cities (option 3), as Canada is officially bilingual, with both English and French as official languages.

Therefore, the answer to the question is option 2: multiculturalism encourages Canadians to maintain their family traditions while also sharing a Canadian identity.