Which ratio forms a proportion with 18/30 ?

To find the ratio that forms a proportion with 18/30, we need to find a ratio that is equivalent to 18/30. A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal.

To do this, we can simplify the given ratio 18/30 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). The GCD of 18 and 30 is 6.

Dividing both 18 and 30 by 6, we get 3/5. So, the simplified form of 18/30 is 3/5.

Now, any ratio that is equal to 3/5 will form a proportion with 18/30.

For example, the ratios 6/10, 12/20, and 9/15 all form proportions with 18/30 because they are equivalent ratios to 3/5.

Therefore, any ratio that is equal to 3/5 forms a proportion with 18/30.

Which what?

any fraction where both the top and bottom are multiplied or divided by the same amount, such as

18*7 / 30*7 = 136/210