If the unit price for cantaloupe is $0.65 per pound and Sally pays $1.95 for a cantaloupe, how many pounds does her cantaloupe weigh?

A. 2 pounds
B. 3 pounds (I picked this)
C. 4 pounds
D. 5 pounds
Please check my work.

what are all the answers? Like the actual ones and not wrong ones. I have a passing grade in math and I really can't fail, because my parents are really proud of me right now and they already tell me i'm a disappointment


.65 + .65 + .65 = 1.95 (add the $ sign)

no, you just divide 1.95 by 0.65 and you get 3.

your correct ^~^


I got the same answer

its kinda easy i just used my brain not trying to be rude but think about it before asking or check or you can submit it

To find how many pounds Sally's cantaloupe weighs, you need to divide the total cost she paid by the unit price per pound.

The total cost of the cantaloupe is $1.95, and the unit price is $0.65 per pound.

Simply divide the total cost by the unit price:

$1.95 ÷ $0.65 = 3 pounds.

So, the correct answer is B. Sally's cantaloupe weighs 3 pounds. Your choice is correct! Good job!

3 ponds
