The average precipitation for Houston is 1.5 times the average for Detroit. Find the average precipitation for Detroit.

City | Precipitation
Detroit | ____ << blank
Houston | 47.84
Raleigh | 43.05
San Diego | ____ << blank

San Diego?

To find the average precipitation for Detroit, we can use the information given, which states that the average precipitation for Houston is 1.5 times the average for Detroit.

Let's start by assigning a value to the average precipitation for Detroit. We can call it "x".

Given that the average precipitation for Houston is 47.84, we can set up the equation:

47.84 = 1.5 * x

To find the value of x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 1.5:

47.84 / 1.5 = x

This gives us:

x ≈ 31.89

So, the average precipitation for Detroit is approximately 31.89.