Part 1

• Christianity vs. Islam in Feudal Europe
• Catholics vs. Protestants in Renaissance and Reformation
• Christianity vs. Native American religions in Global Convergence "I chose Christianity vs Islam in Feudal Europe
1. Select a Topic
Based on the units you studied, select a topic from one of the following options:
2. Develop a Research Question
You may use the guiding questions in the textbook as an example for developing a research question.
You should develop a question that will guide your exploration of two religions in Europe.
A sample question might be, “What was the purpose of the Christian Crusades, and what was their effect on Islamic culture in Feudal Europe?
• How did the religions interact?
• Did they exist peacefully or suffer from conflicts? What was the cause and
effect of interactions between the religions?
• Did cultural diffusion influence the different religions? If so, how? If not,
why not?
List your research question: Did they exist peacefully or suffer from conflicts? What was the cause and
effect of interactions between the religions?

Part 2
Now that you have a research question, answer it using your textbook and other reliable resources. Make sure to cite your sources in your answer.
Provide the answer to your research question here. Your answer should be in the form of at least two paragraphs. Your answer should also include answers to the guiding prompts in Part 1. Make sure to include citations for your sources using APA Style. See the portfolio lesson for help with citations.


plsss I need this

help me come up with a question


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your portfolio. Here's an answer to your research question:

Did they exist peacefully or suffer from conflicts? What was the cause and effect of interactions between the religions?

During the Feudal Europe period, Christianity and Islam had interactions that ranged from peaceful coexistence to outright conflicts. There were instances of both cooperation and tension between the two religions, with various factors contributing to these dynamics.

There were instances of peaceful interactions between Christians and Muslims in Feudal Europe. For example, in some regions, such as the Iberian Peninsula, Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived side by side and engaged in trade, intellectual exchanges, and cultural diffusion. This peaceful coexistence allowed for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, leading to advancements in various fields such as science, medicine, and architecture.

However, conflicts between Christianity and Islam also arose during this period. One significant example is the Christian Crusades, which were military campaigns initiated by European Christians in the name of reclaiming Jerusalem and other holy sites from Muslim control. These conflicts were fueled by various factors, including religious zeal, political interests, and an idealized vision of Christian Europe. The Crusades had a profound impact on Islamic culture in Feudal Europe, leading to the destruction of Muslim communities, the loss of territories, and a deepening divide between the two religions.

The cause of conflicts between Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe can be attributed to a combination of religious and political factors. Theological differences, territorial disputes, and power struggles between Christian and Muslim rulers often fueled tensions and led to conflicts. Additionally, the influence of the Catholic Church in shaping European Christianity and its attempts to consolidate power contributed to the strained relations between the two religions.

The interactions between Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe had a significant effect on both religions. The conflicts and antagonism fueled by the Crusades resulted in a deepening division between Christianity and Islam, erecting barriers to mutual understanding and cooperation. However, the peaceful interactions that took place in some areas allowed for cultural diffusion, exchange of ideas, and the preservation of knowledge from both religions.

Overall, the interactions between Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe were complex, encompassing both peaceful coexistence and conflicts. The causes and effects of these interactions were influenced by various factors, ranging from theological differences to political interests. Understanding these dynamics provides valuable insights into the historical relationship between the two religions.

1. Smith, H. L. (2011). World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times. McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Kehlmann, G. (2005). God Is Not Here: A Novel. Viking Deutschland.

Part 1:

To develop a research question comparing Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe, you first need to decide on a specific aspect or topic to focus on. One possible topic could be the interaction between these two religions and whether they existed peacefully or experienced conflicts. Here are some guiding questions to help you form a research question:

1. How did Christianity and Islam interact in Feudal Europe?
2. Did they coexist peacefully or face conflicts? If conflicts occurred, what were the causes and effects of these interactions?
3. Did cultural diffusion play a role in shaping the beliefs and practices of these religions in Feudal Europe?
4. How did the presence of Islam in Europe influence the development of Christianity, and vice versa?

Based on these guiding questions, a research question could be: "Did Christianity and Islam exist peacefully or suffer from conflicts in Feudal Europe? What were the causes and effects of their interactions?"

Part 2:

Answering your research question requires referring to reliable sources such as textbooks and academic articles. Here is a possible answer to your research question:

Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe experienced a complex interaction that involved both peaceful coexistence and conflicts. The two religions had encounters in various capacities, ranging from trade and intellectual exchange to military encounters during the Crusades. The Crusades, which were religiously motivated military campaigns initiated by Christian Europeans, had a significant impact on the relationship between Christianity and Islam during this period (Smith, 2017).

While there were instances of peaceful interactions, especially in areas like trade and intellectual exchange, there were also periods of conflict between the two religions. The primary cause of conflicts lay in religious differences and territorial disputes. Additionally, the growth of Islam in Europe and its competing influence challenged the authority and dominance of Christianity, leading to tensions between the two faiths (Dunn, 2016).

The interactions between Christianity and Islam in Feudal Europe had several effects. One notable effect was the increased knowledge and cultural diffusion that occurred through trade and intellectual exchange between Christian and Muslim scholars. Islamic scholars' translations and preservation of ancient Greek and Roman texts had a profound impact on the Renaissance movement later in Europe. Nevertheless, the Crusades also left long-lasting effects on both Christianity and Islam, including shaping their respective religious identities and contributing to mutual distrust and animosity between the two faiths (Asbridge, 2016).

To provide a comprehensive and well-supported answer, it is essential to consult additional sources and cite them appropriately using the APA citation style.

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How did the Christians and Muslims view the Crusades?

I gues thxxxxxxxxxxx I do not know