Create an image with symbolic elements showing four distinct events represented by figures. First, depict a council table with a document, symbolizing an organization passing a resolution. Second, show two people shaking hands under a flag, representing a peaceful meeting facilitated by an intermediary. Third, picture a scale balancing two narratives, indicating a decision made after hearing both sides. Fourth, illustrate two groups meeting at a distinct neutral location which signifies mediation. This is a symbolic representation of arbitration in international relations. *Note: This image should not contain any text.*

Which of the following events is an example of arbitration?

A.NATO passes a resolution against Iran
B. The U.S. sets up a meeting between Taiwan and China
C. After hearing both sides, the United Nations decides to end the Russian occupation of Crimea
D. Opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters



C. After hearing both sides, the United Nations decides to end the Russian occupation of Crimea

Arbitration: a process of settling a argument / disagreement in which the people or groups on both sides present their opinions in third person .

the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute.

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Of the given options, option D is an example of arbitration. To understand why, let's first define arbitration. Arbitration is a process in which an impartial third party, known as an arbitrator, is chosen to make a binding decision in a dispute between two or more parties. The decision reached in arbitration is typically based on evidence and arguments presented by both sides.

In option D, it is mentioned that opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters. This scenario aligns with arbitration because the opposing factions are coming together to negotiate and seek a resolution to their conflict. By meeting at a neutral location and engaging in discussions, they are attempting to find a mutually agreed-upon solution, potentially with the help of mediators or arbitrators.

However, options A, B, and C do not fit the definition of arbitration. Option A describes NATO passing a resolution against Iran, which is a decision made collectively by member states and does not involve a neutral third party making a binding decision. Option B mentions the U.S. setting up a meeting between Taiwan and China, which is a diplomatic initiative aiming to facilitate dialogue between the two parties, but it does not involve arbitration specifically. Option C states that the United Nations decides to end the Russian occupation of Crimea after hearing both sides, but a decision made solely by the United Nations does not involve arbitration as there is no mention of an impartial third party making a binding decision in this scenario.

Therefore, the correct answer in this case is D. Opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters.

Maybe A?

arbitration means i don't know either

What does arbitration mean?