Dear tutors,

I have an few more questions that need answering. If you could, may you answer them.
What is the best definition of friendship?
A) A long-term connection with another person
B) A special relationship between people who enjoy being together
C) A special relationship between people who are the same age
D) A special relationship between people in the same school or club.
I know it isn't C because you can be friends with someone younger or older than you. Also, I know it isn't D because you can e friends with someone out of state, or even you neighbor that goes to an private school, and you go to an public one.
So I personally think, without guessing B.
Thank you,
Anything but Anonymous.

I agree with B.

o.k thank you I will let you know if its an right answer.

You're welcome.

B is correct. YAY! Thank you sooooooo much!

ty! i'm going to come back to this and help with answers

okay the answers are!:

1.A special relationship between people who enjoy being together
2. who have similar backgrounds and interests
3. people your age
4. Most people look for males and females who have interests and goals similar to their own.
5. empathizes by showing care and sensitivity to your feelings
you're welcome!

Dear Anything but Anonymous,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. To determine the best definition of friendship among the given options, let's analyze each choice and see which one aligns most accurately with the concept of friendship.

Option A states that friendship is "a long-term connection with another person." While it is true that friendships often involve long-term connections, this definition doesn't capture the essence of what friendship truly is.

Option C suggests that friendship is "a special relationship between people who are the same age." However, this definition is limiting as it disregards the possibility of friendship between individuals of different ages.

Option D proposes that friendship is "a special relationship between people in the same school or club." While people in the same school or club may become friends, this definition fails to encompass all the various contexts in which friendships can form.

Option B defines friendship as "a special relationship between people who enjoy being together." This definition takes into account the fundamental aspect of friendship, which is the shared enjoyment and positive connection between individuals.

Considering all the options, it seems that Option B is the most accurate definition of friendship. Friends are those individuals who share a special bond, like being together, and enjoy each others' company.

Remember, when trying to determine the best answer among multiple options, it is important to critically evaluate each option by analyzing its relevance, consistency, and inclusiveness in relation to the question or concept being discussed.

I hope this explanation helps in understanding how to approach this type of question. Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,

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