Which is a way that people are trying to find a balance between the need for resources and the need to protect the environment?

To save more trees, people are using plastics for construction.

Fishers are limiting their catch of endangered fish.

Farmers are finding ways to contain dangerous fertilizers before they get into the streams.

City governments are putting limits on the amount of trash they will pick up.

please help Ms.Sue

Never mind I think its A.

I disagree. Trees are crops like corn and grapes.

Certainly! Finding a balance between the need for resources and the need to protect the environment is a crucial challenge that people are trying to address. Here's an explanation for each option you provided:

1. To save more trees, people are using plastics for construction:
Using plastics for construction instead of wood can help reduce deforestation and preserve forests. Plastics are often made from non-renewable resources, but they can be more sustainable if they are made from recycled materials or bio-based sources.

2. Fishers are limiting their catch of endangered fish:
By limiting the catch of endangered fish, fishers are practicing sustainable fishing. This helps protect and rebuild fish populations that are at risk of extinction. It allows the fish populations to recover and maintain their ecological balance.

3. Farmers are finding ways to contain dangerous fertilizers before they get into the streams:
Farmers can implement practices such as precision agriculture and nutrient management to minimize the runoff of fertilizers into water bodies. This helps prevent water pollution and protects the health of aquatic ecosystems.

4. City governments are putting limits on the amount of trash they will pick up:
By setting limits on the amount of trash they will pick up, city governments encourage people to reduce waste generation and promote recycling and proper waste management practices. This reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, conserves resources, and minimizes environmental impacts.

All of these approaches demonstrate efforts to strike a balance between meeting resource needs and protecting the environment. By implementing such practices, we can contribute to a more sustainable future.