What is this story theme?

''How I learned English?'' by gregory djanikian

The theme of the story is that even though you are an outside there will always be someone who helps you fit it. You. Are. Welcome.

ur mom

"How i learned English" is a very kind, serious poem that i cant stop reading over and over.

Adjust to your new life

To identify the theme of Gregory Djanikian's story titled "How I learned English," we can start by analyzing the story's narrative and its central ideas. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to determine the theme:

1. Read the story: Familiarize yourself with the text by reading "How I learned English" by Gregory Djanikian. Pay attention to the main character's experiences, emotions, and the events that unfold.

2. Identify recurring elements: As you read, try to identify any recurring elements or motifs. These can be symbols, ideas, or themes that appear multiple times throughout the story.

3. Analyze character development: Consider how the main character evolves and changes throughout the story. Notice what lessons or insights they gain as they learn English.

4. Consider the author's intent: Reflect on why Gregory Djanikian might have written this story. Explore what messages or ideas he may be trying to convey through the narrative.

5. Determine the central idea: Based on your analysis, identify the central idea or message that the story explores. Look for a broader concept or lesson that can be extrapolated from the main character's experiences.

6. Formulate the theme: Finally, distill the central idea into a concise and universal statement. This statement will represent the theme of "How I learned English."

It's important to note that themes in literature can be subjective, and different readers may interpret them in various ways. However, by actively engaging with the text and considering the aforementioned steps, you should be able to identify a theme that resonates with your understanding of the story.


Read carefully, and let us know what you decide.