According to the passage, what role did antislavery lawyers play in Dred Scott's lawsuit?

To determine the role antislavery lawyers played in Dred Scott's lawsuit, we need to analyze the passage in which the information is provided. Since I don't have access to a specific passage, I will explain a general approach to finding the answer in a given passage or text.

1. Locate the passage: Start by finding the relevant passage or section in the text that mentions Dred Scott's lawsuit. This might involve skimming through the text or using search terms related to Dred Scott or the lawsuit.

2. Identify the main ideas: Read the passage carefully and identify the main ideas or arguments being presented. Look for any information that directly discusses antislavery lawyers and their role in Dred Scott's lawsuit. Pay attention to any specific actions, positions, or strategies mentioned.

3. Analyze the context: Consider the broader context of the passage. Are there any details or background information provided that may help understand the role of antislavery lawyers? Look for any connections or relationships between the antislavery lawyers and other individuals or groups involved in the lawsuit.

4. Draw conclusions: Based on the information gathered, make inferences or draw conclusions about the role of antislavery lawyers in Dred Scott's lawsuit. Did they represent Dred Scott? Did they provide legal arguments against slavery? Were they involved in challenging the court's decision? Take note of any specific details or quotes that directly support your conclusions.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the information in the passage that reveals the role antislavery lawyers played in Dred Scott's lawsuit.