Another interesting one:

3000 bananas to be carried 1000 km away with one horse. Horse can carry max 1000 bananas and after 1 km travel with bananas, it eats one banana. Can you tell maximum how many bananas, can reach the destinations.

google your question. You will find several discussions of the problem.

To determine the maximum number of bananas that can reach the destination, we need to divide the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. The horse can carry a maximum of 1000 bananas at a time, and it eats one banana for every kilometer it travels. This means that after traveling 1 km, the horse will be left with 999 bananas.

2. To ensure maximum efficiency, we want the horse to carry the maximum number of bananas whenever it travels. This means that after dropping off the bananas at the destination, the horse should return to the starting point to pick up more bananas and continue the process until all the bananas have been transported.

3. We can calculate the number of round trips the horse will need to make by dividing the total number of bananas (3000) by the number of bananas carried in each trip (1000). In this case, 3000 divided by 1000 equals 3. So, the horse will need to make 3 round trips to carry all the bananas.

4. Each round trip covers a distance of 1000 km (the total distance divided by the number of round trips), and for every kilometer traveled, the horse consumes one banana. This means that for each round trip, 1000 bananas will be consumed by the horse.

5. After completing the three round trips, the horse will have consumed a total of 1000 bananas per round trip multiplied by 3 round trips, which equals 3000 bananas.

6. Since the horse consumes 3000 bananas during its journey, the maximum number of bananas that can reach the destination is the total number of bananas (3000) minus the number of bananas consumed (3000). Therefore, the maximum number of bananas that can reach the destination is 3000 - 3000, which equals 0 bananas.

In summary, with the given conditions, it is not possible for any bananas to reach the destination while considering the maximum efficiency of the horse's carrying capacity and consumption rate.