Summarize the paragraph into only the most important points

"Here is one of the most familiar forms of the vicious circle of poverty. The poor get sick more than anyone else in the society. That is because they live in slums, jammed together under unhygienic conditions; they have inadequate diets, and cannot get decent medical care. When they become sick, they are sick longer than any other group in society. Because they are sick more often and longer than anyone else, they lose wages and work, and find it difficult to hold a steady job. And because of this, they cannot pay for good housing, for a nutritious diet, for doctors. At any given point in this circle, particularly when there is a major illness, their prospect is to move to an even lower level and to begin the cycle, round and round, toward even more suffering."

No one here will do your assignment for you, but if you write up your summary, someone here may be able to check it for you.

One of the most known forms of the circle of poverty centers around sickness. As a result of a poor lifestyle, the destitute get sicker easily and for a longer period of time. This leads to a loss in wages and work; making them unable to pay for the necessities of life. At any point in this circle, whenever a major illness is involved; the cycle repeats again, towards even more hardship.

Does it have too much information?

How will you rephrase this section to smoothe it out: "most known forms"

Change the semicolons after "work" and "involved" to commas.

The rest is fine.

The poor get sick more often due to living in unhygienic conditions and having inadequate diets. This leads to longer periods of sickness, causing them to lose wages and find it difficult to maintain a steady job. As a result, they struggle to afford good housing, proper nutrition, and medical care. This creates a vicious cycle of poverty, as major illnesses push them into an even lower level of suffering, perpetuating the cycle.