a customer went to a garden shop and bought some potting soil for $12.50 and 6 shrubs if the total bill was $71 how much did each grub cost if they all cost the same write and solve an equation to show your work



12.50 + 6s = 71

what. mrs sue gave the answer. just like that? i guess we still have to do the work but sure.

How did u get the 6s

either ur a troll or you are a troll. also "wOrK hArD pLaY hArD" is a genius idea/name/motto

6s = 6 shrubs

12.5 + 6s = 71

6s = 71 - 12.5
6s = 58.5
divide both sides by 6
s = 9.75

Thanks for your help

You're welcome.

what. mrs sue gave the answer. just like that? i guess we still have to do the work but thanks.