A pair of fruit flies reproduces and has 1,000 offspring. All 1,000 offspring have the alleles Gg. What is the most likely combination of alleles that each parent has, and why are other combinations not likely? Explain your answer.

Try some combinations to see which one gives the greatest probability of Gg offspring.

For example, if one parent has GG and the other has Gg, the possible offspring outcomes are GG, Gg, GG, Gg. So this would be a 50 % probability of offspring having Gg.
Can you find a parental combination that yields a greater possibility of offspring with Gg?

GG and gg

im real person and this i disney channel

help im being robbed and ther is someone going to kill me :(((


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To determine the most likely combination of alleles that each parent has, let's break down the given information and consider the principles of inheritance.

Firstly, we know that all 1,000 offspring have the alleles Gg. This indicates that both parents contributed the allele 'G' and 'g' to their offspring.

Now, let's review the principles of inheritance for alleles. Alleles occur in pairs, and each parent can pass on one allele to their offspring. When two alleles in a pair are different, one is dominant (represented by a capital letter) and the other is recessive (represented by a lowercase letter).

Since all 1,000 offspring have the alleles Gg, it can be inferred that one parent passed on the allele 'G' while the other parent passed on the allele 'g'. If both parents contributed the same allele (GG or gg), then all the offspring would have either GG or gg genotype, not Gg.

Therefore, the most likely combination of alleles that each parent has is the heterozygous genotype, where one parent has the allele 'G' (GG) and the other parent has the allele 'g' (gg). This would result in the offspring having the Gg genotype, as observed in the 1,000 offspring.

Other combinations, such as both parents being homozygous (GG/GG or gg/gg), would not result in the observed offspring. If both parents were GG, all the offspring would also be GG, and if both parents were gg, all the offspring would be gg.

Hence, the heterozygous combination (Gg for each parent) is the most likely explanation based on the given information and the principles of inheritance.

hi gus make unuerak i nueb biw cnub hurry nubbbs you guys sukc ahhhahaha

thanks im gonna hack your account on gmail now hahahaha mail hacks

?!!?!son waht you doing!?!?!?

im hacking into the mainframe rn