I need to convert 13.5 , 20.3, 32.25 all to mixed numbers I got 13 1/2, 20 3/10, 32 1/4 is this correct?


13.5 , 20.3, 32.25

The easy way (at least for me) is 13.5 = 13 5/10 and reduce the fraction to 13 1/2.
20.3 = 20 3/10 which doesn't reduce
32.25 = 32 25/100 and reduce that..

To convert decimals to mixed numbers, you need to separate the whole number part from the fractional part. Let's go through each number and check your conversions:

1. For 13.5: The whole number part is 13. To convert the decimal part, we look at the decimal places. Since there is one decimal place (0.5), we can represent it as a fraction with a denominator of 10 (since there is one decimal place). 0.5 as a fraction would be 1/2. Therefore, 13.5 can be written as 13 1/2, which matches your conversion.

2. For 20.3: The whole number part is 20. For the decimal part, we have 0.3. It has one decimal place, so we can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 10. 0.3 as a fraction would be 3/10. Thus, 20.3 can be written as 20 3/10, which matches your conversion.

3. For 32.25: The whole number part is 32. For the decimal part, we have 0.25. It has two decimal places, so we can express it as a fraction with a denominator of 100. 0.25 as a fraction would be 25/100. However, we can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 25. After simplification, 25/100 becomes 1/4. Therefore, 32.25 can be written as 32 1/4, which matches your conversion.

So, based on the explanations above, your conversions are correct for all three numbers.