How is it that the people in a place have a common culture?

The leaders of the government tell people what they believe.

Parents pass on to their children ideas and ways of doing things.

Adults have formal meetings where they vote on their beliefs and practices.

People get together as friends and decide how to think and what to do.

I think its C or D

Oh dear! In all of my 84 years, I've never heard of a community voting on their culture. Nor have my friends.

Is that how you learned the mores of your culture?

Actually, the correct answer is B. Parents pass on to their children ideas and ways of doing things.

When people live in a certain place and interact with each other over time, they tend to develop a shared set of values, beliefs, traditions, and behaviors. This shared set of characteristics is what we call culture.

One of the primary ways that culture is transmitted from generation to generation is through the process of socialization within families. Parents play a critical role in passing on their beliefs, values, customs, and norms to their children. This can happen through direct communication, teaching, and modeling of behaviors.

For example, parents may teach their children about their religion, language, food preferences, and traditions. As children grow up in this cultural environment, they learn to internalize these cultural values and behaviors, and in turn, pass them on to the next generation.

While the other options mentioned (government influence, adult meetings, and peer influence) can also impact culture to some extent, the primary and most influential way culture is shared and developed is through the family unit.