Which best describes the political relationship between oil-producing states and their consumers?

The government of an oil-producing state has a vested interest in protecting the governments of consumer states.
The government of a consumer state has a vested interest in protecting the government of oil-producing states.
Consumer states use their economic influence to persuade oil-producing states to set lower prices on oil.
Consumer states have better video technology and use it to create polished advertising images of oil-producing states.

I agree.

No, B does not accurately describe the political relationship between oil-producing states and their consumers. The political relationship between oil-producing states and their consumers is not based on protecting each other's governments. Rather, it is primarily driven by the economic interdependence between oil producers and consumers, with consumer states relying on oil-producing states for energy supplies and oil-producing states relying on consumers to buy their oil.

The correct answer is B. The government of a consumer state has a vested interest in protecting the government of oil-producing states.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the political relationship between oil-producing states and their consumers. Oil is a valuable resource that is often controlled by governments in oil-producing states. These governments rely on revenue from oil exports to fund their operations and maintain stability.

Consumer states, on the other hand, heavily rely on oil imports to meet their energy needs. Thus, the government of a consumer state has a vested interest in ensuring a stable supply of oil from the oil-producing states. This interest includes maintaining a good political relationship with the governments of oil-producing states.

Consumer states may choose to support or protect the governments of oil-producing states to secure a continuous supply of oil. This support could include military, economic, or political assistance to ensure stability and favorability in their relationship with oil-producing states.

Therefore, option B, which states that the government of a consumer state has a vested interest in protecting the government of oil-producing states, best describes the political relationship between the two.