What types of rhetorical devices are used in the following sentence?

They would like more time off in the summer, for holidays, and on weekends.

repetition epistrophe

repetition anadiplosis


repetition anaphora

Would this be parallelism and repetition epistrophe?

There's parallelism, for sure, but not repetition epistrophe.

parallelism: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-parallelism.html

epistrophe :https://www.litcharts.com/literary-devices-and-terms/epistrophe

It's repetition anadiplosis and parallelism.

To identify the types of rhetorical devices used in the sentence "They would like more time off in the summer, for holidays, and on weekends," we can break it down and analyze each option:

1. Repetition of words or phrases: In this sentence, there is repetition of the word "and." However, since repetition is used at a larger scale in the sentence, it does not qualify as repetition epistrophe or anadiplosis.

2. Parallelism: Parallelism refers to the repetition of grammatical structures in a sentence. In this case, the sentence contains a parallel structure, where each item in the list ("in the summer," "for holidays," "on weekends") follows a similar pattern. So, parallelism is indeed present in this sentence.

3. Anadiplosis: Anadiplosis is the repetition of the last word of one clause or phrase at the beginning of the next clause or phrase. There is no such repetition in this sentence.

4. Anaphora: Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or phrases. While the sentence does repeat the word "and," it does not serve as an anaphora since the repetition is not at the beginnings of clauses or phrases.

Therefore, the correct answer would be parallelism only. The sentence does not contain repetition epistrophe or any of the other options.