Which is an invisible part of culture?

ideas about right and wrong

literature and musical performances

sports and games people play

styles of housing and clothing

can you help me please

Sure. Only one of these choices can't be seen or heard.

Of the options provided, the invisible part of culture is "ideas about right and wrong." This refers to the moral values, ethics, and beliefs that are shared and followed by a particular group or society. These ideas are often deeply ingrained and shape the behavior and decision-making of individuals within that culture.

To understand this, it is helpful to explore the concept of culture. Culture encompasses the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. While some aspects of culture are visible and tangible, such as literature, clothing styles, and sports, other aspects are more abstract and intangible, such as ideas about right and wrong.

To determine which option is the correct answer, you can analyze each option and consider whether it is a visible or invisible aspect of culture. In this case, "literature and musical performances," "sports and games people play," and "styles of housing and clothing" are all visible parts of culture that can be observed and studied directly. However, "ideas about right and wrong" are not visible but rather guide and influence the actions and choices of individuals within a culture.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is "ideas about right and wrong" as it represents an invisible part of culture.