1. How was Magellan’s voyage different from that of Columbus

a. Magellan sailed west across the Atlantic to reach the caribbean***
b. Magellan’s sailed south down the coast of South America
c. Magellan sailed east around Africa go reach the Pacific Ocean
d. Magellan sailed north around Europe to reach the Pacific Ocean

2. Which region led the world in agriculture and manufacturing during the 1500 and 1600s
A. Asia***
B. Europe
C. North America
D. South America

3. Which of the following technologies required the measurement of the stars for navigation?
A. Compass
B. Lateen
C. Mercator projection
D. Astrolabe***

4. What means did Portuguese explorers use to establish trading posts in India, Persia, and Southeast Asia?
A. They signed agreements between local rulers and the Portuguese king***
B. They worked with the native people to establish diverse colonies
C. They seized existing trading posts using force
D. They allied with Muslim Arabs against local rulers

5. Soon after contact with Europeans, millions of people in the americas died. Which factor was most responsible.
A. Diseases from Europe such as influenza and smallpox**
B. Extended droughts that caused food shortages
C. Horse-mounted European soldiers
D. Superior European armor and weapons

6.which factor contributed to the defeat of the Inca by the Spanish
a. The refusal of the Inca to pay a ransom for their emperor**
B. The lack of an Incan army
C. The refusal of the Incan emperor to cooperate with the Spanish
D. The appointment of an I can emperor by Pizarro

7. Explain why the capitalists system developed in Europe

8.describe the hardships and indignities faced by Africans from the time of being captured and transported to the americas GK their life as enslaved laborers in the americas

@Damon I agree with Ham Man! You shouldnt always rely on people understanding on just yes and no. This site is for asking questions. You can try to look up answers but your not always going to get what you want so it is easier to answer them hear and not go on a fetch quest!

Hey Damon instead of just saying no check this check that why don’t you actually provide an answer

3 and 5 are right.

4 is c

what is a

what is 6 though- qwq

is it b?


1. The correct answer is B. Magellan’s voyage was different from Columbus' because Magellan sailed south down the coast of South America. To get this answer, you have to know that Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic to reach the Caribbean, which eliminates option A. Magellan's voyage involved circumnavigating the globe, so option C and D can be eliminated. This leaves option B as the correct answer.

2. The correct answer is B. Europe. To get this answer, you need to know that during the 1500 and 1600s, Europe was undergoing the period of the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery, which led to significant advancements in agriculture and manufacturing. Asia (option A) had a long history of agricultural and manufacturing development, but during this specific time period, Europe surpassed it. North America (option C) was still in the early stages of colonization and development, while South America (option D) was mostly under Spanish and Portuguese control and did not lead in these areas.

3. The correct answer is D. Astrolabe. To get this answer, you need to know that an astrolabe is an ancient instrument used for celestial navigation, which means using the stars to determine one's position and direction at sea. The compass (option A) does not require star measurements, the lateen (option B) is a type of sail, and the Mercator projection (option C) is a map projection method.

4. The correct answer is A. They signed agreements between local rulers and the Portuguese king. To get this answer, you need to know the historical context of Portuguese exploration and colonization. The Portuguese established trading posts in India, Persia, and Southeast Asia through diplomacy and trade agreements with local rulers rather than through force or alliances with other groups.

5. The correct answer is A. Diseases from Europe such as influenza and smallpox. To get this answer, you need to be aware of the devastating impact of diseases brought by Europeans to the Americas during the period of colonization. Native populations in the Americas had no immunity to these new diseases, leading to widespread death and population decline. While the other options (extended droughts, horse-mounted soldiers, superior European armor and weapons) had some impact, the outbreak of diseases was the most significant factor.

6. The correct answer is A. The refusal of the Inca to pay a ransom for their emperor. To get this answer, you need to have knowledge of the interactions between the Inca Empire and Spanish conquistadors. After capturing the Incan emperor Atahualpa, the Spanish demanded a large ransom in gold and silver for his release. When the Inca failed to pay, the Spanish executed Atahualpa. This event played a crucial role in the defeat of the Inca by the Spanish.

7. The development of the capitalist system in Europe can be attributed to several factors. One key factor was the transition from feudalism to a more market-based economic system. The decline of feudalism allowed for the growth of cities and the emergence of a merchant class. This, combined with advancements in trade and exploration, led to increased wealth accumulation and the rise of capitalist practices. Additionally, factors such as the Protestant Reformation and the establishment of modern banking systems also contributed to the development of capitalism in Europe.

8. The hardships and indignities faced by Africans during the transatlantic slave trade and as enslaved laborers in the Americas were extensive and deeply troubling. Africans were captured through various means, often involving violence and coercion. They were then subjected to the brutal conditions of the Middle Passage, where they endured overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on slave ships during the transatlantic journey. Many Africans died during this voyage due to the harsh treatment, lack of adequate food and water, and the spread of diseases.

Upon arrival in the Americas, enslaved Africans faced a life of forced labor, living under oppressive conditions on plantations, mines, or households. They were subjected to physical and psychological abuse, as well as dehumanization. Families were often separated, and any resistance or rebellion was met with severe punishment. Slavery was deeply embedded in the economic and social structures of the Americas, resulting in generations of Africans and their descendants enduring the hardships and injustices of forced labor. The abolitionist movement, led by various individuals and groups, played a significant role in the eventual end of slavery.

1. - NO!!!! Check Columbus navigation.

2. Not sure, maybe
3. Yes, but we can use it for other purposes in navigation as well. For example the angles between points on shore give minimum distance from shore. The other choices are just plain wrong.
4. Suspect you are right, again other choices wrong.
5, Agree
6. https://www.google.com/search?q=inca+versus+spanish&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab
7. https://www.quora.com/Why-did-capitalism-emerge-in-Europe
8. You can Google this as well as I can.