In what aspects of Japanese culture would you find influence of Chinese culture? Select all that apply.



scroll painting

social structure


i think c, d, and e

I checked everything, but currency, did anyone get an answer?

I found in the book where it said gardening, government, scroll painting

You are correct. The aspects of Japanese culture that show influence from Chinese culture are:

C. Scroll painting: The technique of scroll painting was introduced to Japan from China during the Tang Dynasty. Japanese artists adopted and adapted this art form, incorporating their own style and subject matter.

D. Social structure: Japan adopted the Chinese social structure, which included a rigid hierarchical system similar to the Chinese feudal system. This social structure had a distinct class division based on birth and occupation.

E. Government: The early Japanese government was inspired by the Chinese system. They modeled their administrative and bureaucratic structure, as well as their political institutions, after China. This influence is particularly noticeable during the Nara and Heian periods.

Therefore, choices C, D, and E are correct.

The aspects of Japanese culture that were influenced by Chinese culture are:

C. Scroll painting:
To verify this, one can research the historical relationship between Japan and China. Chinese scroll painting was introduced to Japan during the 7th century and had a significant impact on Japanese art. Many Japanese artists adopted Chinese painting techniques and subjects, which became an integral part of Japanese artistic tradition.

D. Social structure:
To confirm this, one can study the history of Japan's social structure and its similarities to Chinese social systems. During Japan's early history, they adopted several elements of Chinese social structure, including a system of ranking based on social status, known as the Ritsuryo system. This was heavily influenced by the Chinese model of bureaucracy and hierarchical structure.

E. Government:
To validate this claim, one can examine the historical record of Japanese government structure and its similarities to Chinese governance. Japan's early imperial government took inspiration from Chinese models, such as the centralization of political power and the implementation of a rigid bureaucratic system. The Japanese also adopted some key Chinese political concepts, like the ruler as the "Son of Heaven."

Therefore, the correct answers are C. Scroll painting, D. Social structure, and E. Government.

You sure?

Proberly right :P