Which type of instructional method is based on arranging the environment to best stimulate a child's

interests and behaviors?
A. Developmental perspective
B. Ecological perspective
C. Behavioral perspective
D. Interactional perspective

my answer is c.

The correct answer is actually B. Ecological perspective.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the different instructional methods and their key principles.

A. The developmental perspective emphasizes the importance of considering a child's developmental stage and abilities when designing instruction.

C. The behavioral perspective focuses on using reinforcement and rewards to shape and reinforce desired behaviors.

D. The interactional perspective emphasizes the reciprocal interaction between the learner, the teacher, and the environment.

However, the ecological perspective is the best fit for the description given in the question. This perspective focuses on arranging the learning environment to best stimulate a child's interests and behaviors. It takes into account the child's physical, social, and cultural context, fostering their natural curiosity and engagement.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Ecological perspective.