When a behavior is positively consequated, it

A. is more likely to be repeated.
B. helps to meet educational goals.
C. will eventually become extinct.
D. will be repeated less often.

my answer is b.

I think you're right. Be sure your text agrees.


The correct answer is A. When a behavior is positively consequated, it is more likely to be repeated. Positive consequences can serve as rewards or reinforcements, encouraging individuals to engage in the behavior again in the future.

The correct answer is A. When a behavior is positively consequated, it is more likely to be repeated. To arrive at this answer, you can apply the principles of behaviorism and operant conditioning.

In operant conditioning, positive reinforcement is the process of presenting a desired stimulus after a behavior, which increases the likelihood of that behavior being repeated in the future. It is a form of consequence that strengthens the behavior.

While option B may sound plausible, it does not directly address the consequence of positively reinforcing a behavior. Positive reinforcement does not necessarily guarantee the fulfillment of educational goals, as it can be applied in various contexts beyond education.

To summarize, when a behavior is positively consequated, it means that something desired or rewarding is provided after the behavior, which makes it more likely to be repeated in the future.