Your class collected more than 380 cans of food for the annual food drive. In the first week, 145 cans were collected. How many cans c of food were collected in the second week? Write and solve an inequality.

A. 145 + c < 380; c < 235
B. c + 145 > 380; c > 525
C. c - 145 ≥ 380; c ≥ 525
D. 145 + c > 380; c > 235

145 + c = 380

145 - 145 + c = 380 - 145 -subtract 145 from both sides of the equation

c = 235

so, they collected 235 cans in the second week.

hope this !

The correct answer is is B because they collected more than 380 cans so it cant be anything else..

@ella A, B, C, or D

Your supposed to find the correct inequality.

An answer pls....

well, the total is 145+c

so, which one says that that is greater than 380?

This assumes, of course, that the drive only lasted two weeks ...

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Ima say b, but idk