Explain the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3.


To understand the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3, we need to understand the concept of absolute value. The absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero on the number line, without considering its sign.

|-3| denotes the absolute value of -3. It means that we disregard the negative sign and consider the value of the number itself. In this case, |-3| is equal to 3, since the distance between -3 and 0 is 3 units.

On the other hand, -3 is a negative number. It represents a value that is less than zero on the number line. Unlike the absolute value, -3 takes into account the negative sign.

In conclusion, the key difference between |-3| and -3 is that |-3| gives the positive value of -3, while -3 represents a negative value itself.