Here is the question: place the events in order from 1 to 5 : The Normans invade England. ; Germanic tribes settle in the east of Britain. ; England develops a standardized system of coinage. ; Anglo-Saxon kingdoms form.

; England develops a strong monarchy.
Im really bad at this i really eed help ill be asking more question on this topic though

First of all, be sure to go back into your text and read and reread with these things in mind.

Also, If you look up each of the following on Google, you should get at least an approximate time for each.

normans invade england

germanic tribes settle in britain

england standardized coinage

anglo-saxon kingdoms form

england develops strong monarchy

For example, using the first set of keywords, I found this:
... so ... in September 1066

Try the others and see what you get.

Ok thanks are you a teacher? sorry if i'm nosy!

Yes, Writeacher is a teacher.

Liar wrote teacher is wrong

No problem! I'm here to help you. To place the events in order, we need to consider their chronological sequence. Let's break it down:

1. Germanic tribes settle in the east of Britain: This event happened first, as Germanic tribes settled in what is now England before other events.

2. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms form: After the Germanic tribes settled, they established separate kingdoms in England. This event occurs second.

3. The Normans invade England: The Norman invasion occurred centuries later in 1066, after the establishment of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. This puts it as the third event.

4. England develops a standardized system of coinage: Coinage was developed during the Anglo-Saxon period but reached a standardized system later. So, this event comes after the formation of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and the Norman invasion.

5. England develops a strong monarchy: This event occurred even later in history, after the development of a standardized system of coinage, making it the last event in this sequence.

So, the correct order from 1 to 5 is:
1. Germanic tribes settle in the east of Britain.
2. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms form.
3. The Normans invade England.
4. England develops a standardized system of coinage.
5. England develops a strong monarchy.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!