how do you write 1 divided by 8 on paper?

im doing a quiz that i have to show my work i know it eqauls .125 but i get half my grade taken off if i dont show my work. can anyone help

I don't see why you would need to, it's almost like showing why 1+1 = 2.

But I guess you could do the following.
Add a decimal point after 1, followed by 3 zeros.
"1.000" should be your middle line
1 cant be divided by the 8 because it's too small, so place a zero above the 1, and put the decimal point . So now you have "0." at the top line.
Place the 1 that couldn't be divided below on the bottom line, so that you have "10". Now, 8 can go into 10 one time, so place the 1 at the top line, so that you have"0.1".
10 - 8 = 2, so you should have "2" at your new bottom line. Drop the next zero down so that you now have "20". 8 can go into 20 two times. So place a 2 at the top line so that you now have "0.12".
20-8-8 = 4, so place the 4 at the bottom line and drop a zero so that you have 40.
8 can go into 40 exactly 5 times. So place a 5 at the top line so that you get the answer of "0.125". No need to drop any zeros anymore.

google is your friend

search for something like "long division calculator" and you will find sites showing all the details.

Certainly! To show your work for finding 1 divided by 8 on paper, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by writing down the number 1 as the dividend (the number you are dividing).
2. Write a division symbol, which looks like "÷" or a long division symbol, next to the dividend.
3. Write the number 8 as the divisor (the number you are dividing by) below the division symbol.
4. Begin the division process by dividing the first digit of the dividend (which is 1) by the divisor (which is 8).
5. Write the result of the division above the division symbol. In this case, the result of 1 divided by 8 is 0.
6. Subtract the product from step 5 (0) multiplied by the divisor (8) from the digit you just divided (1). Write the remainder (which is 1) below the division symbol, next to the digit you just divided.
7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (which is 0) next to the remainder.
8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 with the new dividend (10) until you either get the desired accuracy or reach a point where the division no longer produces any non-zero remainder.
9. If you go on, divide the new dividend (10) by the divisor (8) as before. The result of 10 divided by 8 is 1.
10. Subtract the product (1) multiplied by the divisor (8) from the digit you just divided (10). The remainder is 2.
11. Since the remainder (2) is less than the divisor (8), continue by bringing down the next digit of the dividend (0) next to the remainder.
12. Repeat steps 4 to 11 with the new dividend (20).
13. The process will eventually repeat with the remainder being 0. This means you have found the result.
14. To show your final answer, write down the decimal representation of the result above the division symbol. In this case, the result is 0.125.

By following these steps, you should be able to show your work for finding 1 divided by 8 on paper. Good luck with your quiz!