The expression ((7x+14)(4x-4))/((x+2)(x-1)) can be simplified to an integer value.

What is the quotient after canceling common factors and simplifying?

Can someone show me how to do this problem?


7*4 = 28

Thank you :)

To simplify the expression ((7x+14)(4x-4))/((x+2)(x-1)), we can start by canceling any common factors in the numerator and denominator.

Let's start by factoring the expressions:
7x + 14 can be factored as 7(x + 2)
4x - 4 can be factored as 4(x - 1)

Substituting these factorizations into the numerator, we get:

((7x+14)(4x-4)) = (7(x+2))(4(x-1))

Next, we can factor the denominator:
x + 2 remains the same
x - 1 remains the same

Using these factorizations, we can rewrite the expression as follows:


Now, we can cancel out the common factors in the numerator and denominator, which are (x + 2) and (x - 1):


Simplifying further, we have:

(28)/(1) = 28

Therefore, the quotient of the expression ((7x+14)(4x-4))/((x+2)(x-1)) after canceling common factors and simplifying is 28.