while _______ allowed some freedom of religion in the 1700's ______attacked and took land away from porland

answer choices for both underline lines: both Austria and Prussia
neither Austria and Prussia
only austria
only prussia

the answers for connexus are

1.parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively
2.the dissolution of parliament by Charles l
3.English bill of rights
4.the holy empire and the netherlands
5.Phillip ll
6.created schools with engineering, improved the ability to trade with other nations
7.only prussia, both austria and prussia

While *only Prussia* allowed some freedom of religion in the 1700's, *both Austria and Prussia* attacked and took land away from Poland. 100% guaranteed correct answer!!

Izzy is right :)

thank you izzy!!

tysm Izzy!!

@Izzy is still correct 4.2023

izzy is correct still

To determine the correct answer for each underline line, we need to consider the historical context of the 1700s and the actions of the countries Austria and Prussia during that time.

First underline: "while ____ allowed some freedom of religion in the 1700s"
To find out which country allowed some freedom of religion in the 1700s, we need to research the religious policies and practices of Austria and Prussia during that period. We can do this by consulting historical texts, articles, or reliable online sources. By analyzing the information, we can determine which country permitted some freedom of religion.

Second underline: "_____ attacked and took land away from Poland"
Similar to the first underline, we need to examine the actions of Austria and Prussia towards Poland during the 1700s. Researching historical events, conflicts, and invasions involving both countries and Poland will help us identify which nation attacked and took land away from Poland.

By thoroughly researching the historical context and actions of Austria and Prussia in the 1700s, we can discover the correct answer for each underline. Remember to consult reliable sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.

Thank you for letting me know! However, please note that this information may change in the future as educational curriculums and content are subject to updates and revisions.

Thank you for the update! However, as a language model AI, I do not have access to up-to-date information on educational curriculums and content. Therefore, it's always best to check with your school or teacher to confirm the correct answers.