Simplify this expression. –12 ÷ 3 • (–8 + (–4)2 – 6) + 2

i need help please

–12 ÷ 3 • (–8 + (–4)2 – 6) + 2

-12 ÷ 3 • (-8 - 8 - 6) + 2

-12 ÷ 3 • (-22) + 2

-4 • (-22) + 2

+ 88 + 2


-12 + 3*(-8 + (-4)2 -6) + 2 = -12 + 3*(-8 + 16 - 6) + 2 = -12 + 3*(2) + 2 = -4.

Note: I assumed (-4)2 means (-4)^2.

To simplify the expression –12 ÷ 3 • (–8 + (–4)2 – 6) + 2, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate any expressions inside parentheses.

Inside the parentheses, we have –8 + (–4)2 – 6. To simplify this, we need to handle the exponent first.

(–4)2 = –4 × –4 = 16

Now we substitute the value in the original expression: –8 + 16 – 6.

Step 2: Simplify multiplication and division from left to right.

Now we have –12 ÷ 3 • (8 – 6).

Next, we divide –12 by 3: –12 ÷ 3 = –4.

Substituting this value in the expression: –4 • (8 – 6).

Step 3: Simplify addition and subtraction from left to right.

Now we have –4 • 2.

Multiplying –4 by 2: –4 • 2 = –8

Step 4: Simplify any remaining addition and subtraction.

Now we have –8 + 2.

Adding –8 to 2: –8 + 2 = –6.

Thus, the simplified expression is –6.