1. Who is the tall soldier who, in the first chapter, “developed virtues and went resolutely to wash (1 point) a shirt”?

a) Jim Conklin
b) Henry Fleming
c) The author does not give his name.
2. Which of the following indicates that the story is told in the third-person limited? (1 point)
a) The narrator is outside the story, all-knowing, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they.
b) The narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronouns I, me, and we.
c) The narrator is outside the story, limited in knowledge, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they.
3. With what fear was Henry largely preoccupied for much of the beginning of the novel? (1 point)
a) the fear that he would die in battle
b) the fear that he would run away in battle
c) the fear that he would be defeated in battle
4. What is the setting of the novel? (1 point)
a) Nature is uncaring.
b) a Civil War battle near the Rappahannock River in Virginia
c) The author never specifies it.
5. Name the type of figurative language in this sentence from the text: “Th’ boys fight like hell- roosters.”
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) personification
(1 point)
6. “Maturity is reached by the road of experience” is an example of what? (1 point)
a) exposition
b) theme
c) characterization
7. What is a major example of the type of conflict found in the novel? (1 point)
a) Man vs. Nature
b) Man vs. Self
c) Man vs. Society
8. Choose the best description of Stephen Crane. (1 point)
a) He was a young man when he wrote The Red Badge of Courage and had never actually been in a war
b) His book was not famous until after his death at the young age of 28.
c) He was a renowned Civil War veteran whose book became a success both in America and abroad.
9. “Mebbe, it wa’t’d all his fault—not all together. He did the best he knowed” is an example of what?
a) dialect
b) alliteration
c) conflict
10. What is an essential element of plot? (1 point)
a) characterization
b) setting
c) conflict
(1 point)
11. When Crane speaks of a vociferous altercation, he means ______________________. (1 point)
a) a deadly change
b) a vehement shouting fight
c) a verbal difference

12. Debauch is to virtue as succor is to ________________. (1 point)
a) banshee
b) yokel
c) scorn
13. Identify the best definition of battery as it is used in the novel. (1 point)
a) a group of artillery pieces
b) assault
c) a cell that produces energy
14. Which pair of words could both describe the youth? (1 point)
a) urchin, facetious
b) yokel, introspective
c) specter, debauched
15. Choose the most appropriate vocabulary term to fill in the blank for the sentence below: (1 point) “The juvenile delinquent ____________ at the judge as his sentence was read."
a) glowered
b) taunted
c) conjured
16. Choose a word with the opposite meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below: (1 point) “Shame hung around his neck.”
a) Pathos
b) Derision
c) Laurels
17. The officer who called the youth’s comrades “mule drivers” _____________ them. (1 point
a) clamored
b) deprecated
c) lauded
18. If your principal uses stentorian tones, she is ___________. (1 point)
a) loud
b) jaunty
c) prodigious
19. As used in the novel, if you cuff your brother, you are _________________ him. (1 point)
a) arresting
b) gesticulating
c) hitting
20. “The soldiers moved with celerity” means they moved with __________. (1 point)
a) reluctance
b) stiffness
c) speed

Here is the answers for English Unit 3 Lesson 14: The Red Badge of Courage: Unit Test for Connexus

1. Jim Conklin
2. The narrator is outside the story, limited in knowledge, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they
3. The fear that he would run away in battle
4. A Civil War battle near the Rappahannock River in Virginia
5. Simile
6. Theme
7. Man vs. Self
8. He was a young man when he wrote The Red Badge of Courage and had never actually been in a war
9. Dialect
10. Conflict
11. A vehement shouting fight
12. Scorn
13. A group of artillery pieces
15. Yokel, Introspective
15. Glowered
16. Laurels
17. Deprecated
18. Loud
19. Hitting
20. Speed
21. Essay

Please help me, I have a time limit

is it right?

The Red Badge of Courage is the book

dang thanks man

Anonymous is right

1. To answer this question, you need to refer to the first chapter of the novel. Read the chapter and identify the character who goes to wash a shirt. The options given are a) Jim Conklin, b) Henry Fleming, and c) The author does not give his name. Based on your reading, select the correct answer.

2. To determine the narrative point of view, you need to understand the characteristics of different narrative perspectives. The options given are a) The narrator is outside the story, all-knowing, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they, b) The narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronouns I, me, and we, and c) The narrator is outside the story, limited in knowledge, and uses the pronouns he, she, and they. Analyze the narrative style of the novel and select the option that matches.

3. To answer this question, refer to the beginning of the novel where Henry's fears are discussed. Review the context and identify the fear that occupies Henry's thoughts during that time. The options given are a) the fear that he would die in battle, b) the fear that he would run away in battle, and c) the fear that he would be defeated in battle.

4. The question asks you about the setting of the novel. Look for clues or descriptions in the text that indicate a specific location or setting. The options given are a) Nature is uncaring, b) a Civil War battle near the Rappahannock River in Virginia, and c) The author never specifies it. Based on your understanding of the text, select the correct answer.

5. Identify the figure of speech used in the given sentence. The options given are a) simile, b) metaphor, and c) personification. Analyze the sentence and determine which figure of speech is being employed.

6. Determine the literary element exemplified by the given quote, which is "Maturity is reached by the road of experience." The options given are a) exposition, b) theme, and c) characterization. Consider the definition and purpose of each literary element to make your selection.

7. Identify the major conflict present in the novel. The options given are a) Man vs. Nature, b) Man vs. Self, and c) Man vs. Society. Reflect on the events and struggles faced by the characters in the novel to determine which conflict is most prevalent.

8. Choose the most accurate description of the author, Stephen Crane. The options given are a) He was a young man when he wrote The Red Badge of Courage and had never actually been in a war, b) His book was not famous until after his death at the young age of 28, and c) He was a renowned Civil War veteran whose book became a success both in America and abroad. Consider the information you know or can find about Stephen Crane to select the correct answer.

9. Identify the literary device used in the given quote, which is "Mebbe, it wa't'd all his fault—not all together. He did the best he knowed." The options given are a) dialect, b) alliteration, and c) conflict. Analyze the quote and determine which literary device is being employed.

10. Identify an essential element of plot. The options given are a) characterization, b) setting, and c) conflict. Understand the basic components of plot structure and select the element that is necessary for a coherent narrative.

11. Interpret the meaning of the phrase "vociferous altercation" used by Crane. The options given are a) a deadly change, b) a vehement shouting fight, and c) a verbal difference. Analyze the context and connotation of the phrase to determine its meaning.

12. Find the word that can be equated to "succor" based on the analogy presented. The options given are a) banshee, b) yokel, and c) scorn. Consider the definition and connotation of each word to select the one that is most closely related to "succor."

13. Determine the best definition of the word "battery" as it is used in the novel. The options given are a) a group of artillery pieces, b) assault, and c) a cell that produces energy. Understand the context in which the word is used and select the definition that best fits.

14. Choose the pair of words that can both describe the youth character in the novel. The options given are a) urchin, facetious, b) yokel, introspective, and c) specter, debauched. Analyze the characteristics and behavior of the youth character to select the words that accurately describe him.

15. Select the most appropriate vocabulary term to complete the sentence. The options given are a) glowered, b) taunted, and c) conjured. Consider the context and connotation of the sentence to determine the term that best fits.

16. Identify the word with an opposite meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. The options given are a) Pathos, b) Derision, and c) Laurels. Understand the meaning of the underlined word and select the option that represents the opposite.

17. Determine the verb that best describes the officer's actions towards the youth's comrades in the sentence provided. The options given are a) clamored, b) deprecated, and c) lauded. Analyze the meaning and connotation of each verb to select the one that accurately represents the officer's actions.

18. Understand the meaning and usage of the word "stentorian" and select the word that can be used to define it. The options given are a) loud, b) jaunty, and c) prodigious. Consider the characteristics and associations of each word to determine the most suitable definition.

19. Determine the action that corresponds to the term "cuff" based on its usage in the novel. The options given are a) arresting, b) gesticulating, and c) hitting. Review the context and connotation of the term to select the correct action.

20. Interpret the meaning of the phrase "The soldiers moved with celerity" by selecting the word that represents the opposite of the underlined word. The options given are a) reluctance, b) stiffness, and c) speed. Analyze the connotation and usage of the underlined word to determine its opposite.

Some of these question you don't need the book on.

No one here will take this test/quiz for you. I hoped you would understood that when I posted this: "But if you post YOUR answers, someone might check your work for you."

"Help" does not mean "gimme all the answers."

But if you post YOUR answers, someone might check your work for you.