What were some of the consequences of the Great Schism in Christianity? Select all that apply.

The division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church

The decline of the Byzantine Empire

A disagreement over the authority of the Pope

The adoption of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia

The correct answers for the consequences of the Great Schism in Christianity are:

A. The division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
C. A disagreement over the authority of the Pope

To arrive at these answers, you need to have a basic understanding of the Great Schism itself. The Great Schism refers to the split between the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East in the year 1054.

Option A is correct because the Great Schism resulted in a permanent division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. This division occurred primarily due to theological, political, and cultural differences between the two branches of Christianity.

Option C is correct because one of the main points of conflict during the Great Schism was the disagreement over the authority of the Pope. The Eastern Orthodox Church rejected the notion of papal supremacy, while the Roman Catholic Church upheld the Pope as the supreme authority in matters of faith and doctrine.

Option B is incorrect because the decline of the Byzantine Empire was not a direct consequence of the Great Schism. While the Byzantine Empire did experience various challenges throughout its history, the Great Schism did not directly cause its decline.

Option D is incorrect because the adoption of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia was not a consequence of the Great Schism. The Cyrillic alphabet was developed in the 9th century by the Byzantine missionary brothers Cyril and Methodius and was later adopted by the Eastern Slavic peoples, including the Russians, as their written script. This occurred before the Great Schism.

In conclusion, the correct consequences of the Great Schism were the division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church and a disagreement over the authority of the Pope.

The consequences of the Great Schism in Christianity include:

A. The division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
C. A disagreement over the authority of the Pope